Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hats Off!

To all of you support staff in the offices, labs and technical environments out there:

And thank you for all you do!!
Below is a picture of the view directly across from my desk.

I work at the County Office of Education in School Emergency Preparedness. The red backpack is a "Go kit", in case there's an emergency and we have to grab supplies and GO! The white board is my supervisor's idea of 'mental mapping', looks like a To-do list to me. :D The irises I brought in for myself.

He may not have noticed the day or said anything, but I know I'm appreciated by everyone else in the project! Since the incident at VA Tech our office has been busy...

Enjoy the day!


Fabricfaire said...

When there is a "heavy" load in a "crisis" work place a beautiful 'vhaase'of flowers will calm those that gaze upon it. Nice of you to think of your fellow workers!

Elaine Adair said...

I just found you - thank you for a lovely visit. Enjoyed the Mary's Triangles versions, and LOVED the scenery. The big tree in the pasture with the cow looks an awful lot like a California Cheese commercial! LOL

I'll be back. Come and visit me.