Monday, August 30, 2010

Buttonhole Bag

I took my knitting in the car on our vacation, that was fun. The last few rows got done this morning, including splicing ends to avoid a knot in the binding off.

Twist the ends of each ply together, then mash the two plies into each other. Put the splice in the palm of your hand and spritz with water. Place your palms together and rub vigorously back and forth.

Voila! You're actually felting the ends together, so this method only works with 100% wool.

Here it is before washing, the crochet hook is to give you an idea of the size. I threw it in a hot wash with a pair of jeans and agitated for 12 minutes on the heavy-duty cycle. When I checked it, it had felted down about three-quarters of the way. I ran it for another six minutes.

Woo-HOO! Love it!! The picture isn't blurry, the bag is just extremely FUZZY. The instructions say to shave it with a disposable razor, but I haven't decided yet, I kinda like it all furry and soft. It smells a little like a damp dog, but that'll probably disappear with use.

There was a small amount of bright blue lint in the washer. That's odd, the bag is jade green and purple??


Lindah said...

Neat bag! I kinda like it fuzzy, too. I guess you could have it fuzzy for awhile and then shave it later? The felting of the yarn ends together is magic. I've never seen that done. I'm not a knitter, but if I ever decide to crochet something with wool, I'll remember that. Not doing much yarn work these days. But who knows what I might do tomorrow. :-)

Fabricfaire said...

Wow! I like the option of leaving the "fuzzy" look also! I like the "melting" of the yarn ends method! Done good girl! AGAIN!!