Thursday, December 28, 2017


I came down with a head cold Christmas Eve day. Blargh. I've been in my glider a good part of every day, just trying to find low-energy things to pass the time.

I've got three knitting projects going, a book, a Kindle read, my laptop for Scrabble online and a stack of magazines. Despite the variety, there's still a certain boredom that comes in when one is sick. I've been gradually working my way through a LARGE collection of back issues of Threads magazines from the late 1980s and early '90s. That's been a lot of fun and I've learned a bunch of interesting stuff about knitting. I bookmark the project or technique and then take it to the laptop and research it more or make notes.

This plus so many cups of tea I feel awash, and naps of course, lots of naps.

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