Monday, March 12, 2012

Star Struck Again

I'm still home on disability and I still feel dizzy and motion-sick most mornings. Despite that I've been trying to get back to quilting, but the ability to choose colors intuitively seems to elude me. I started another Star Struck quilt last December, but it's been really slow going. I decided not to worry about how long it's taking me and use it to work my way back to quilting. Maybe when it's finished I'll look back on it as my recovery quilt.

I used to be able to pull fabrics for the color palette without a lot of thought. But this palette has seen a lot of trial and error. Turns out this green has too much black in it, this background makes the one next to it look dinghy, or is too busy, and this calico is so dated I'd be embarrassed to use it... so I've given myself permission not to use some of the prints I originally cut out and to discard pieced blocks that won't work. I'm ignoring the nagging feeling that I'm being wasteful and that I'm not as efficient as I used to be. *shrug* I feel like a beginner quilter again, trying to learn color confidence.




 I took out a lot of the print backgrounds and phased in more neutrals. It's made the green stars stand out more and I like it better.

Here's the EQ draft. It's intended for my car, so there's no time frame. Good thing!

1 comment:

Lindah said...

Oh, that is pretty! Crisp, fresh, spring-y colors. That is a great border for it, too.

Here's hoping and praying you are feeling better soon!