Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Stacked Bricks

I started this quilt on the quilt retreat at the first of the month and finished it this week. It goes fast because it's all straight sewing with no points or intersections to match. Pedal to the metal!

The whole thing was inspired by this multi-colored remnant I found on the Freebee table at guild. The rest of the fabrics came from my collection.

The bricks are cut 5 1/2" x 2 1/2". Then each one is joined to a 2 1/2 background square. Press seams toward the brick.

Here are two of the five columns pieced, ready to trim to a 1/4" of an inch from the brick points.

I like to trim on the floor because I can set up my cutting mat 'portrait' style for longer cuts.

When I posted it to my Facebook account DS1 quipped, "I'm shocked! You made a quilt with blues and purples??" Funny man, he knows my color preferences.

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